Posted by : Unknown Saturday, February 28, 2015

For a healthy life one is to consume water. But not everyone likes the white water. Then, how to get more drinking water?

1. Add flavor
Currently water is added to the fruit pieces are already familiar. Pieces of fruit such as lemons, mangoes, apples, and others put in water and store in the fridge for a few hours and we can enjoy it with fresh.

2. Spicy foods
Eat spicy food so we will constantly sipping water. Additionally, spicy flavor can also increase the body's metabolism.

3. Use the phone
Use the phone as an alarm reminder to drink water. On the phone and android are now there are some applications for it, for example Try Waterlogged for iPhone or Water Your Body.

4. Use a water filter
Water filter is used to obtain clean water so that we can be more eager to consume lots of water.

5. Place close to us
Put it on the workbench or in the bag when we go so that we can drink water with ease and plenty.

6. Bring the water during exercise
Do not forget to always carry water when going the gym to keep us regularly consume water.

7. Think wallet
Make a promise to yourself to order water when eating at a restaurant. In addition to their health, it will also save our money.

8. Eat water
That is, eat foods rich in water content, such as cucumber and melon soup with broth or too light.

9. Consider an appetizer
According to the 2010 study in the journal Obesity, drinking about 16 ounces of water before meals to lose weight. By knowing this, will help motivate yourself to drink more water.

10. Drink before bedtime
Get used to drink a glass of water before going to sleep in the day, especially after of traveling.
Those are some ways that we can more drinking water.

Should be tried now!

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