Archive for February 2015
For each woman, has a slim and sleek body is a big dream. But not infrequently, because it was too busy with work or household affairs, women often experience a decrease in the body's metabolism. If the metabolism down, the body can become tired, weak and easily excited even fatter. Reporting from, there are some healthy foods that can help you get a slim body. These foods include:
1. Citrus Fruits
The content of vitamin C is high enough from citrus fruits are very good for health and skin. Acidic substances contained in it allegedly could restore the body's energy. Nutrients in citrus fruits are also said to be able to reduce fat in the body so you do not have to worry about fat.
2. Fruit Berry
The good berry fruit strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are a good source of fiber to increase stamina and metabolism. The fruit is allegedly also very good for digestive health and the best killer for bad fats cause obesity.
3. Protein Lean
Not difficult to get food in the form of lean protein. You can eat beef, chicken or turkey. Choose the best meat that contains no fat in it. Meat is a good source of protein for digestion and increase your body's metabolism. Lean protein is also very suitable for those who were running the diet. Although eat meat, do not worry about your body fat.
4. Garlic
Garlic has long been known to have many health benefits. Among others, is to improve the immune system, lowers blood pressure, anti-aging and burn excess calories in the body. In addition to these benefits, several studies suggest that garlic is very good to increase metabolism and help the smoothness of the diet. Slim body and gorgeous course you can get with this food.
If you're on a diet and want to stay healthy and awake, try to eat these foods. But remember, make sure there are nutrients from other foods so that your body is always fresh and healthy.
If there is news that laughter can make facial skin wrinkles, then there should be no humor in this world. But can you imagine not, how would live if no funny stuff. Although there are also women who are trying not to laugh a lifetime named Tess Christian, but laugh more benefits. You'll also often hear that the smile of worship, is also good for health.
there are at least five benefits that you can get if often laugh, some of which are
1. Make you relax
When laughing, you're happy, and that's when you will feel relaxed. This even a direct effect on your heart rate. Heartbeat be slower and relaxed. Cardiac work so much lighter because the stress is reduced, and you are far away from heart disease.
2. Improve mood and relieve stress
Laugh or smile can help release endorphins from the brain. These chemicals can improve your mood and help you relieve stress without medication. You become more frequent positive thinking and able to accept the challenge or have a problem with either.
3. Natural analgesic
You feel pain or pain in any part of the body? Laugh alone. Smiling and laughing will stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphins that not only can improve mood and reduce stress, but also acts as a natural painkiller.
4. Extend the life
People will look more youthful and longevity if often smiling or laughing. You look so happy and bright. Not only provide a friendly impression on the face, many laughs will also enhance immunity against disease.
5. Increasing productivity
Because laughter can reduce stress levels, increase the production of serotonin and endorphins, in this case, laugh too much influence on increasing productivity. If you are happier, positive thinking, good mood or not being upset, productivity also be better. Doing the activity more enjoyable.
You also feel the same way? Can not live without humor and laughter instead? So, do not be too serious, laugh just to stay healthy and beautiful.
In tropical countries such as Indonesia, we are very fortunate to have a lot of tropical fruits with a myriad of benefits. One of it is the coconut fruit, and that will be discussed is the water. You definitely shocked to read a series of incredible power.
Coconut water has long believed to have healthful benefits. With tastes better than plain water, coconut water has a myriad of benefits, such as
1. Lose Weight
The fat content in coconut water is very low, so you can drink it with ease without fear of fat. The good news, coconut water can help a person to starve because it gives the effect of full longer.
2. More Skin Shiny
If you have acne or blemishes on the skin surface, take cotton and wet with coconut water. Compress on the stained or pimples regularly, then your skin problem will be resolved. If you drink, coconut water can also make the skin more shiny.
3. Digestion More Current
If you are experiencing problems constipation and bowel obstruction, then try to regular drinking coconut water. Because it contains a high concentration of fiber, coconut water can help the digestive process and reduce the excess acid and gas in the stomach.
4. Better Body Fluids
Compared to plain water, coconut water can give the effect of hydration on the body. Which means, your body will be met as the amount of water it takes longer. Coconut water is also better replace lost body fluids, because the sugar content is very low and has a mineral needed by the body.
5. Reducing Blood Pressure
In many cases of high blood pressure, those who regularly consume coconut water have healthier blood pressure. In fact, some health experts recommend drinking coconut water to start the day, so that the electrolyte balance in the body.
6. rich Nutrition
In contrast to other drinks and even a health drink, coconut water contains electrolytes which are essential to the human body, such as: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Due to its unique composition, coconut water can be enjoyed by individuals with various medical conditions.
7. Compatible With Various Human Condition
Because isotonic coconut water is accepted many people with various health conditions, then the coconut milk into a material that is often used in case of emergency. For example, when someone is poisoned, the coconut water is often used. And more often is made fresh body at a low price.
That's some of the benefits of coconut water. Remember, the best coconut water is the original coconut water from the tree, not the processed plant.
Obesity usually occurs because of the accumulated calories that are not used by the body to become fat. So the most effective way to lose weight is to burn it.
1. Leisurely Strolling
To burn more fat and calories, you can take a leisurely walk or take a yoga class. Do light exercise for 15 minutes every day.
2. Drinking Green Tea
Green tea, not only have many health benefits, however, according to a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking tea can help eliminate fat. The combination of caffeine and catechin content in green tea, can make the body to not absorb carbohydrates and helps burn more fat. You are also able to make a fresh iced green tea in the afternoon heat. You can also add lemon juice in ice green tea, which has its benefits as an antioxidant.
3. Never Too Much Sitting
If you work in an office, you will often sit in a chair, in front of the computer. According to the study, sitting all day, have the same consequences as bad as smoking. If you work from 9-17 hours in a day, it will inhibit your body's ability to burn fat. Scientists have found that, if you sit for an hour or more, then the production of enzymes that burn fat in the body decreases as much as 90 percent. So often stood to stretch, do whatever you can to get up, and help your body to move from the chair.
4. bicycling
According to the study, cycled for 20 minutes a day, can burn belly fat as much as 9.5 percent.
1. Leisurely Strolling
2. Drinking Green Tea
3. Never Too Much Sitting
If you work in an office, you will often sit in a chair, in front of the computer. According to the study, sitting all day, have the same consequences as bad as smoking. If you work from 9-17 hours in a day, it will inhibit your body's ability to burn fat. Scientists have found that, if you sit for an hour or more, then the production of enzymes that burn fat in the body decreases as much as 90 percent. So often stood to stretch, do whatever you can to get up, and help your body to move from the chair.
4. bicycling
According to the study, cycled for 20 minutes a day, can burn belly fat as much as 9.5 percent.
Puppet is a popular traditional drama performances once in Indonesia. Puppet plays are usually based on stories taken from the epic Ramayana and Mahabharata. Both epic was originally from India, but the story has changed the first Java. There is another story that is based on the story Indonesia Kala Rau long as the story and the story of Panji.
On the island of Java and Bali there are several kinds of puppets. The most famous is the leather puppets played with puppets made of leather. Puppets made of wood used in the puppet show and puppet klitik. Only the shadow puppets are usually played at night, when it's dark. Behind a curtain, lights installed. People who watch a puppet show to sit in front of the screen. They can only see the shadow puppets. A puppet show could take a long time, up to nine hours.
A puppet show played by Ki Dalang, meaning storyteller. He always sat in the back of the screen is playing puppet. Ki Dalang important because he plays all the puppets and voiced their text. He also led the singing and the gamelan puppet.
In one set of puppets there are several hundred character; no good, no evil. Good always played on the right mastermind, and the evil mastermind played on the left. Puppets are not used mounted on a banana tree trunk in front of Ki mastermind. Among the famous puppet character is five Pandava brothers; their names Yudisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sadewa. They figure that tells the story of Mahabharata civil war.
The most important musical instrument in the gamelan puppet is a tool at the name of gender. The music played changed to follow the story. Ki Dalang disposable wooden bat (cempala) and a large wooden box, which is usually used to store all the character puppets, to tell the gamelan players, what kind of music should be played....
On the island of Java and Bali there are several kinds of puppets. The most famous is the leather puppets played with puppets made of leather. Puppets made of wood used in the puppet show and puppet klitik. Only the shadow puppets are usually played at night, when it's dark. Behind a curtain, lights installed. People who watch a puppet show to sit in front of the screen. They can only see the shadow puppets. A puppet show could take a long time, up to nine hours.
A puppet show played by Ki Dalang, meaning storyteller. He always sat in the back of the screen is playing puppet. Ki Dalang important because he plays all the puppets and voiced their text. He also led the singing and the gamelan puppet.
In one set of puppets there are several hundred character; no good, no evil. Good always played on the right mastermind, and the evil mastermind played on the left. Puppets are not used mounted on a banana tree trunk in front of Ki mastermind. Among the famous puppet character is five Pandava brothers; their names Yudisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sadewa. They figure that tells the story of Mahabharata civil war.
The most important musical instrument in the gamelan puppet is a tool at the name of gender. The music played changed to follow the story. Ki Dalang disposable wooden bat (cempala) and a large wooden box, which is usually used to store all the character puppets, to tell the gamelan players, what kind of music should be played....
Night in Yogyakarta will feel life if you miss it by watching wayang kulit show. Smart gamelan rhythms combined with a melodious voice sinden will not let you fall into sleep. The story that brought the mastermind will bring you dissolve as go in becoming one of the characters in the story are presented. You too will soon realize how great Javanese culture in the past.
Wayang kulit is a performance art that has been more than half a millennium. Appearance has its own story, associated with the influx of Javanese Islam. One member of the Wali Songo created by adopting Wayang Beber that developed in the heyday of the Hindu-Buddhist. Adoption was done because the puppet already attached to the Java so be appropriate media for propaganda spread Islam, while Islam prohibits any form of art. As a result, shadow puppets created where people could only see shadows.
Leather puppet show played by a man who would be called a great entertainer in the world. How not, during the night, the puppeteer controls the entire character actor who is a shadow play puppets made of buffalo leather with motif decorated crafts carving decoration (carved leather). He had to change the character of the sound, intonation, making jokes and even singing. To liven up the atmosphere, the mastermind assisted by musicians who play gamelan and sinden who sing songs of Java.
Characters of Wayang are hundreds. The puppets are not played are put in a banana tree near the puppeteer. When played, the puppets will appear as a shadow on a white screen in front of the puppeteer. The shadow is created for each puppet show use oil lamps as lighting help of the puppets being played.
Each story presents a puppet show or play different. Variety of play is divided into four categories, namely the play grip, carangan play, play and play essay composition. The play grip has a story entirely rooted in the library while at play puppet carangan only outline only sourced the puppet library. The play spin does not stem from puppet story but using the appropriate places in the library puppet, while the play written by purely off.
Puppet story originated from some old manuscripts such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Library of Kings and Purwakanda. Now, there are also books containing compositions and essays play for hundreds of years has been appreciated by the public Abhimanyu kerem, Doraweca, Suryatmaja Maling and so on. Among all the old books are used, the Book Purwakanda is most often used by puppeteers from Kraton. Leather puppet show begins when the puppeteer has issued mountains. An all-night puppet show in Yogyakarta style is divided into 3 innings with 7 rows (scene) and 7 scenes of war. The first half, called pathet lasem, has 3 rows and 2 battle scenes accompanied gending pathet lasem. Pathet Sanga who became the second half has 2 rows and 2 scenes of war, while Pathet Manura who became the third round has 2 rows and 3 scenes of war. One of the most anticipated part of many people on each puppet is because serving Javanese joke-joke.
Sasono Hinggil located in north central South Square is the most commonly held an all-night wayang performances, usually held every second and fourth weeks starting at 21:00 pm. The other place is the Sri Maganti Ward located at Kraton. Wayang Kulit in the ward staged over two hours starting at 10:00 am every Saturday with ticket USD 5000.00.
The easiest way to keep your health is to get used to doing something good, like to eat! So, next time when you go shopping, take food anti-inflammatory and anti-aging, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This option taste delicious, useful, and will make you feel and look great.
1. Maple Syrup
Maple is best taken from the tree, instead of cornstalk that offers a variety of benefits for anti-aging. The sap of this sweet fruit contains antioxidants, zinc for immunity, and anti-inflammatory. Because this is a sticky sugar, limit just one tablespoon.
2. Cucumber
It might look a bit silly, but no one thought to the usefulness of organic cucumbers for your health. Research from the Salk Institute in the Department of Biology stated that fisetin, a naturally flovanol are in cucumber can prevent progressive memory and be associated with impaired learning and memory loss of Alzheimer's disease. As a snack, fruit peel contains silica, an essential component for healthy connective tissue that helps repair muscles and ligaments supporting the circulation around the cells, cartilage, bone and skin. And it serves as a topical treatment into pieces and place it under your eyes to reduce swelling, holes on irritated skin to relieve sunburn, or use in the back of your thigh to reduce cellulite.
3. Coconut Oil
Research of the International Journal of Dermatology states by using virgin coconut oil every day for seven weeks can increase skin hydration by 32 percent in the thin skin to moderate eczema. This is cool!
4. Flower (Or Foliage Green)
Flowers have excellent benefits and better in your plate. A recent study published in the Journal of Food Science found that the flowers are edible and rich in phenolic antioxidants such as gallic acid, chlorogenic, and routine. In the study reported edible flowers, such as rose petals, correlates with anti-inflammatory activity and reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. If you have trouble finding edible flowers, you can use the green like kale, spinach, dandelion, and radishes, which provide phytochemicals that are similar to the petals, along with calcium and fiber.
Many foods can trigger your sperm abundant but not necessarily quality. Now there is a new finding, enough to eat eggs and watermelon, are recognized can make your sperm up drastically and quality.
As reported by the Daily Mail and quoted, researchers Zita West claimed that the daily diet is good for the quality of the sperm.
It is said, watermelon contains antioxidant lycopene, which can help keep sperm healthy.
Eggs contain amino acids, proteins that are essential for healthy sperm.
This corresponds sperm needs vitamins and minerals that many so qualified as an egg. Sperm is composed of amino acids, fructose, enzymes, prostaglandins, potassium and zinc.
It took 100 days for the sperm to be healthy. During that time a man should eat eggs and watermelon for the sake of restoring sperm.
Sperm is not only to be healthy but must be strong to swim in order to fertilize an egg. Then the sperm health is important for couples who are planning to have children. Although the food is considered good for the quality of the sperm, it would be better if you had the opportunity to eat other fruits are also rich in vitamin B12 and C
Stress is actually the most psychiatric disorders occur. Everyday we can experience it without causing problems. But stress can not be underestimated. Because there is stress can bring a more serious disease.
Stress is not always negative. There is a kind of personal experience stress often say when tasks are considered heavy in the office. But all the tasks completed by the end always good and everything remains fine.
According to Dr. Surjo Dharmono, SpKJ (K), it has the same stress with pain when a person's ability to face problems and stress decline has led a variety of psychological and physical complaints.
"These stress include common psychiatric disorders. Prevalence is around 20 to 30 percent. Approximately 20 to 30 percent of patients who went to the general practitioner in fact they have psychiatric disorders, "said Dr. Surjo.
They were, he said, suffered chronic complaints of various physical disorders such as heartburn, dizziness, headache, back pain, frequent colds. "Often went to many doctors and have always considered normal. They are also often scraping or wearing patches, "he said.
They also often complain could not sleep. "Although people nearby saw enough sleep. They are so forgetful, difficulty concentrating, difficulty thinking, mind blank or dead end, "he added.
Do not let stress be prolonged due to impact lowered immune system so the body is more susceptible to disease. The healing process was slower. Not only that, prolonged stress also causes decreased sexual ability. Chronic stress also affects the metabolism of sugar in the body so that the blood sugar levels become excessive.
On the other hand certain diseases cause stress and depression. "For example, patients often experience depression after stroke. It has something to do with the left side of the brain associated with depression, "said Dr. Surjo.
Heart disease patients also often experience panic or anxiety disorder thorough. Those who live with diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis also susceptible to depression. Disease vs. stress and depression this seems like a vicious circle spins. The disease causes stress while stress and depression tend to inhibit healing.

Patients should understand one of the actions that will be performed for the first time doctors treat heart attacks are evaluating medicines consumed by patients.
This is because there is no single drug that can control all risk factors for heart disease that the patient must take many drugs at the same time.
"The more risk factors you have, the more drugs are given by considering the patient's condition and function of important organs such as the kidneys and liver," said Dr. Dick A Hanafy Sp JP (K) of the current campaign Mother Hospital Living with Heart Disease in Jakarta on Tuesday (02/24/2015).
After heart attack, patients usually experience emotions that go up and down because they think having this disease is near death. It makes long-depressed patients who actually worsen the condition.
"But have heart disease or at risk of heart disease does not mean not to have expectations. Quite a lot of successful survive and remain productive," he said.
He stated, people with heart disease who managed to survive had to change the lifestyle that can make the disease worse or relapse.
"The food and physical activity is very important to note in heart patients, in addition to keeping the mood remained stable, avoiding depression can worsen the condition.
For smokers, people with heart disease should stop the habit. Heart patients should continue to take the drugs to control risk factors.
"Lifestyle changes, there will not be easy without the support. It would be better if the families of patients consult a doctor, dietitian or doctor sport," he said.

Apparently there is an easy and fast to lose weight or thin quickly: often eat bananas. Is it true?
As reported Adithia Kwee doctors, medical consultants on, although many carbohydrates, in Japan bananas proved to be one way to go on a diet. With banana diet is often called the 'Morning banana diet'.
In this diet, people are not allowed to eat more than eight hours a night and had to sleep before midnight.
Recognized banana can lose weight in a short enough period of time. The reason, according to researchers, bananas are an excellent source of fiber.
These fibers can prolong satiety and 'push' the calories towards the digestive system before being absorbed by the body.
Resistant starch (starch and products that pass from the digestive process in the small intestine and into the large intestine) which is found in bananas is believed to increase fat burning up to 20-25 percent.
In the United States, the more eat bananas and apples than oranges. Why? bananas contain many nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Vitamin C, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Protein, iron, and other nutrients.
There are still other properties, Bananas also proven to reduce depression. This is evidenced from the many existing tryptophan content in bananas.
Tryptophan is then converted into serotonin, which acts as a neurotransmitter to give pleasure. In addition, eating bananas proven to prevent cramps during and after exercise.
Bedtime at night, we often feel hungry and we will snacking. But, there are some things that must be considered. Research shows calorie foods potentially add weight and make someone become restless. Is there a food or a healthy snack before going to bed?
Janet Brill, author of Blood Pressure Down and nutritionists in Philadelphia say if stomach feels hungry before bed, we could not let him because it will only reduce the quality of sleep. Brill added that there are some foods that would make a great low-calorie snack before bed.
1. Stick cheese
One serving of this snack contains protein and fat and only 80 calories, so we will still feel full. Cheese also contains tripofan Amoni acid that can help us sleepy.
2. Cereals
One bowl of cereal contains 200 calories or less. Cereal is a type of carbohydrate that is easily digested. To get the extra protein and triptopan, mix with a little milk.
3. nonfat yogurt
It's about 100-15- calories and we will get peace of tripofan and milk also contains protein. Yogurt also helps soothe the stomach so that when you wake up, will be spared from heartburn or indigestion.
4. Two slices of white meat Turkey
This might be difficult to find in Indonesia, but the white meat Turkey is low in fat and rich in protein. Some slices of meat will not be more than 100 calories.
5. Apples and one tablespoon of peanut butter
Apples contain a lot of fiber and nuts contain proteins that filled the stomach without feeling very heavy.
6. The non-fat chocolate pudding
One cup of chocolate pudding soft and without fat will give you about 90 calories.
7. Baby carrots
It is very nutritious and will make us feel full so that it can fall asleep. Baby carrots are also free of fat.
8. Bananas
Bananas also contain fiber and filling and tripofan. Usually maisng each contained 100 calories.
Now, we know better food and a healthy snack before bed is also not gain weight. In addition, the habit to set the hours of sleep regularly.
For a healthy life one is to consume water. But not everyone likes the white water. Then, how to get more drinking water?
1. Add flavor
Currently water is added to the fruit pieces are already familiar. Pieces of fruit such as lemons, mangoes, apples, and others put in water and store in the fridge for a few hours and we can enjoy it with fresh.
2. Spicy foods
Eat spicy food so we will constantly sipping water. Additionally, spicy flavor can also increase the body's metabolism.
3. Use the phone
Use the phone as an alarm reminder to drink water. On the phone and android are now there are some applications for it, for example Try Waterlogged for iPhone or Water Your Body.
4. Use a water filter
Water filter is used to obtain clean water so that we can be more eager to consume lots of water.
5. Place close to us
Put it on the workbench or in the bag when we go so that we can drink water with ease and plenty.
6. Bring the water during exercise
Do not forget to always carry water when going the gym to keep us regularly consume water.
7. Think wallet
Make a promise to yourself to order water when eating at a restaurant. In addition to their health, it will also save our money.
8. Eat water
That is, eat foods rich in water content, such as cucumber and melon soup with broth or too light.
9. Consider an appetizer
According to the 2010 study in the journal Obesity, drinking about 16 ounces of water before meals to lose weight. By knowing this, will help motivate yourself to drink more water.
10. Drink before bedtime
Get used to drink a glass of water before going to sleep in the day, especially after of traveling.
Those are some ways that we can more drinking water.
Should be tried now!
Having a pet like a dog or cat is not just a hobby or lifestyle, but also to share happiness with them.
Well, did you know that playing with pets, in this case the cat has a variety of benefits for your mental health?
Lia Kurtz, the owner of the cafe cat Cutie Cats Cafe, share some of the benefits that can be gained from playing with the cat. In addition to making psychologically and emotionally healthy, you also can avoid the risk of various diseases is quite high.
"Playing with cats can help reduce stress, anxiety, and risk of stroke. The mood is also improved, and depression can be reduced. Playing with cats can also be therapeutic for children with special needs, such as autism," said Lia at the official opening ceremony Cutie Cats Cafe in Kemang, Thursday (26/02/2015).
Not only that, She explains, play with the cat was apparently powerful dispel loneliness. According to him, a lot of visitors who come to the café alone to play with cute cats in Cutie Cats Cafe. After playing with the cat, the visitors go home with a smile face decorated.
"Many visitors come alone, then met the cat here, lie down, stroking the cat dear. What happened after that? Visitors who do so often smiled. One hour of play at the cat is not going to feel," said Lia.
Lia admit, one of the reasons open cafe cat is to facilitate the cat lover and interested people who want to know more about cats. He also hopes the visitors can be happy after playing with 15 cats funny in Cutie Cats Cafe.
No time to exercise? Too lazy to prepare their own healthy food? Unhealthy lifestyle like this sometimes makes us afraid of health conditions.
The question of whether we will live longer too often haunting. Well, now there is a simple test to find out.
A doctor in Brazil found a simple test to predict how long a person's age. The test is called Sitting Rising Test (SRT), aka sit stand this test has been shown to predict a person's risk of dying in the next five years.
Dr.Claudio Gil Araujo, PhD, sports and sports medicine specialist, was the one who found the test that is easy, fast, and this can be done anywhere.
How to do this simple test SRT. Simply provide a cushion on the floor at the same time if we fall safety when going to stand.
The trick begins with sitting cross-legged on the mat. Then, we have to stand up without thinking about how quickly it can be done. The observed just how much help is needed to be able to stand.
If we can change the position of the cross-legged position to a standing position without assistance, then the point is 5. Go back to the initial position of the point 5.
but if we use the help, be it a hand, finger, or knee, to sustain when we sit or stand, so any kind of help that will reduce each 5 points. Pushing the body while standing also reduce points.
For any points you get, the possible reduction in the risk of death by 21 percent. A score of 3 or less, the risk of death will be greater.
According to Araujo, he got the idea to create a test SRT after observing patients aged older or more sedentary lifestyle, but can perform aerobic tests.
"Most of them are also capable of cycling or running on a treadmill. But if they are asked to tie his shoelaces, their difficulties. This shows that not only aerobic fitness is important. We must also have another thing, namely strength, flexibility, and balance," he said .
Observation of 2,000 middle-aged men, have proved that belief. In observation for six years, participants were able to stand up from a sitting position without the help of hands or other objects, tend to live longer than others.
During the study, 159 participants eventually died with an average mortality rate of 7.9 percent.
Participants who need a lot of help to stand to have a higher mortality rate than those who can do it without help.
So Happy Trying
Some people have lung problems, even though they never lit a cigarette once in their lives. there is also of you who have been smoking for 40 years, but even their lungs work fine.
All of this depends on one's organism. However, there are suggestions on how to clean your lungs in three days. Before you begin the process of detoxification, you have to "throw" all dairy products. The reason is, your body needs to get rid of toxins from dairy products.
1. Nutrition
Drink a cup of herbal tea before bed.This will release the toxins in the colon that can cause constipation. The lungs should not be overloaded with hard, work other parts of the body during purification. 2 Squeeze the lemon in 300 ml of water before breakfast. Drink 300 ml of orange juice. If you do not like the taste, you can replace it with pineapple juice. Natural juice Contains antioxidants that improve the respiratory system. Drink 300 ml of carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. This juice will help you to regulate your blood for three days cleaning. During lunch time you should drink 400 ml of juice is rich in potassium. Potassium acts as a cleansing tonic. Before going to bed make 400 ml of cranberry juice, which will help in the fight against bacteria in the lungs that can cause infection.
2. Body care and exercise
Take a bath for 20 minutes with hot water every day will allow the body through sweat lost more toxins. Put 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus in a bowl of hot water. Put your face over the bowl and cover with a towel. Inhale steam until the water cools. Do this for 3 days or 72 hours.
The hardest part of losing weight is not reaching your goal. Any Weight you are targeting, with proper diet and regular exercise, it can be achieved. But keeping is much more difficult affair. Here are tips on maintaining ideal weight badananda it without having to start again from scratch reduction efforts:
1. Manage your portions
divide your food on the plate. Begin by covering the right half of your plate with vegetables and salad. But salads can also be unhealthy if it poured with fatty sauces. A quarter of the plate should be filled with lean protein such as fish, chicken or meat grilled or baked. Do not fill the last quarter with butter.
2. Fruits
eat plenty of fruit. The fruit has vitamins, fiber and antioxidants that support weight loss. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are good for maintaining your weight remains the ideal.
3. Plan
make a plan. If the you know that every afternoon you will be hungry and looking for a snack, then prepare a good alternative as a cold cut fruit and fresh.
4. Drink a lot
drink a lot. Feeling tired or hungry usually is a sign that the body is less water.
cover and leave your kitchen. Finish eating scheduled, turn off the kitchen lights and leave as soon as possible to seek other activities around the house that makes you move on.
1. Manage your portions

divide your food on the plate. Begin by covering the right half of your plate with vegetables and salad. But salads can also be unhealthy if it poured with fatty sauces. A quarter of the plate should be filled with lean protein such as fish, chicken or meat grilled or baked. Do not fill the last quarter with butter.
2. Fruits
eat plenty of fruit. The fruit has vitamins, fiber and antioxidants that support weight loss. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are good for maintaining your weight remains the ideal.
3. Plan
make a plan. If the you know that every afternoon you will be hungry and looking for a snack, then prepare a good alternative as a cold cut fruit and fresh.
4. Drink a lot
drink a lot. Feeling tired or hungry usually is a sign that the body is less water.
cover and leave your kitchen. Finish eating scheduled, turn off the kitchen lights and leave as soon as possible to seek other activities around the house that makes you move on.
First 3 months pregnant practically difficult and very challenging. Expectant mothers will usually experience severe nausea in the morning called morning sickness. Nausea was caused by increased levels of estrogen, low blood sugar and prone to odors - smells. Nausea is usually mild, but in some women, they can be up vomiting - vomiting. Of course this is very disturbing because it tends to decrease appetite and completely uncomfortable. Here are some tips to overcome nausea in early pregnancy:
1. Enough rest
with enough rest. Good night's rest by using a mask or goggles, blocking light as possible will help you sleep soundly. In addition, you can also take a nap with a brief to increase energy. Do not just move after eating.
2. Wake Up with ease
do not rush to move from the bed after waking up.
3. Avoid some food
avoid some foods. You must avoid caffeine and spicy and fatty foods as well. That is why fruits and vegetables are often hunted by the expectant mother.
4. Eat small portions
eat small portions. This is so that you come to terms with the stomach so fast no nausea occur. For breakfast, you can eat fresh fruit pieces. Fruit proved to contain substances that can prevent nausea. At night, eat something high in protein before bed to regulate your blood sugar levels.
1. Enough rest
with enough rest. Good night's rest by using a mask or goggles, blocking light as possible will help you sleep soundly. In addition, you can also take a nap with a brief to increase energy. Do not just move after eating.
2. Wake Up with ease
do not rush to move from the bed after waking up.
3. Avoid some food
avoid some foods. You must avoid caffeine and spicy and fatty foods as well. That is why fruits and vegetables are often hunted by the expectant mother.
4. Eat small portions
eat small portions. This is so that you come to terms with the stomach so fast no nausea occur. For breakfast, you can eat fresh fruit pieces. Fruit proved to contain substances that can prevent nausea. At night, eat something high in protein before bed to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Here 7 things that forbidden to do eating
1. Smoking
Scientists have established by experiments that smoking one cigarette after meal is equal to smoking 10 cigarettes at other times. This means that damage and disease caused by a cigarette after a meal is equivalent to the damage and disease caused by 10 cigarettes.
2. Eating fruits directly
Indeed eat fruits after meals will cause stomach being filled with air. Therefore it is advised to eat fruit 1 hour before or after meals.
3. Drink tea Directly
Because the tea leaves contain many chemical elements carbon, where these chemicals will affect the protein in the food we eat and make loud so difficult to digest.
4. Loosen the belt in the stomach
Loosening the belt after a meal will cause the stomach and stomach ache(intestinal blockage).
5. Bath
Jump bath after eating will cause the blood flow to the end of the body, that is, to the end of the hands and feet. As a result, the amount of blood flow around the hull to be little. This weakens the digestive process.
6. Walk
Including fatal error is the belief of the statement "if you walk 100 steps after a meal, in fact you will enjoy good health until the age of 99 years." This is a false statement, which directly goes after eating will cause weakness of the digestive process.
7. Sleeping
Indeed straight to bed after eating will cause incomplete digestion process so that it will cause damage lambuang or colitis.
1. Smoking
2. Eating fruits directly
3. Drink tea Directly
Because the tea leaves contain many chemical elements carbon, where these chemicals will affect the protein in the food we eat and make loud so difficult to digest.
4. Loosen the belt in the stomach
Loosening the belt after a meal will cause the stomach and stomach ache(intestinal blockage).
5. Bath
Jump bath after eating will cause the blood flow to the end of the body, that is, to the end of the hands and feet. As a result, the amount of blood flow around the hull to be little. This weakens the digestive process.
6. Walk
Including fatal error is the belief of the statement "if you walk 100 steps after a meal, in fact you will enjoy good health until the age of 99 years." This is a false statement, which directly goes after eating will cause weakness of the digestive process.
7. Sleeping
Indeed straight to bed after eating will cause incomplete digestion process so that it will cause damage lambuang or colitis.
Are you bored to wait your PC or laptop shut down which it take a very long time.
Here i give you a simple solution with a few easy step.
1. Click start menu and select run or use windows+R
2. Type regedit on it
3. After that go to registry folder that shown (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
4. Go to the next registry folder that shown (SYSTEM)
6. Once more Go to the next registry folder that shown (Control)
7. Double click on registry file that shown (Wait_To_Kill_Service_Time_Out)
8. Last change the original value into 5000 or 5000 < x <12000. But it will be very recommended if you apply 7500. Then dont try to fill under 5000 because it will make your windows services crash
Do not be worry about this method because this way had been tested and very recommended
Are you bored to wait your PC or laptop shut down which it take a very long time.
Here i give you a simple solution with a few easy step.
1. Click start menu and select run or use windows+R
2. Type regedit on it
3. After that go to registry folder that shown (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
4. Go to the next registry folder that shown (SYSTEM)
6. Once more Go to the next registry folder that shown (Control)
7. Double click on registry file that shown (Wait_To_Kill_Service_Time_Out)
8. Last change the original value into 5000 or 5000 < x <12000. But it will be very recommended if you apply 7500. Then dont try to fill under 5000 because it will make your windows services crash
Do not be worry about this method because this way had been tested and very recommended