Posted by : Unknown Sunday, March 1, 2015

Normal human body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius, but sometimes the temperature can go up and down depending on the circumstances inside and outside of your own body. If your body temperature is too high, of course, you will feel the heat. High body heat can cause you to have difficulty sleeping, irritation of the eyes and stomach, as well as some other unpleasant symptoms.

Are you experiencing a similar condition? Try to drink these below to lower the body temperature.

1. Coconut water

Hasil gambar untuk COCONUT WATER
Drinking coconut water at body temperature is high when both to hydrate the body and electrolyte balance naturally. Drinking coconut water also serves to regulate your body temperature instantly.

2. Watermelon juice
Fruits like watermelon has a very high water content in it so as to reduce the heat of your body naturally.

3. Buttermilk
Buttermilk or milk fat is not directly able to lower the body temperature. But the content of probiotics and minerals in it is very important to balance the electrolytes in the body.

4. Apricot juice
Drink a glass of apricot juice is not only able to release your thirst but also can cool your body temperature.

5. Peach juice
Peach juice can hydrate your skin especially when the body is under high heat. Peaches also contain vitamin A and B2 which can nourish the body as a whole.

6. Water cardamom
Hasil gambar untuk WATER CARDAMON
Besides functioning to flavor dishes, cardamom water can also function as a natural remedy to reduce body heat.

Drink a glass of cold milk mixed with honey is a good idea to lower your body heat.

Those are some beverages that can lower your body naturally and hydrate the body so that you do not become dehydrated when hot air. Good luck!

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